Diagnostic Concepts for Guided Surgery Applications

Diagnostic Concepts for Guided Surgery Applications - Single Tooth to Full Arch Restorations with Dr. Scott Ganz

The new digital workflows have now become a universal language to communicate between the clinician, patient, and dental laboratory. As the software applications and hardware continue to evolve along with improved surgical techniques and restorative materials, there is a potential to deliver quality care for patients often at an accelerated pace. Regardless of the methodology chosen, the foundations rely on diagnosis and treatment planning using the state-of-the-art tools based on a 3-D cone beam CT scan. To achieve "true restoratively-driven" implant dentistry the anatomical presentation of every patient needs to be fully appreciated in order to achieve success with either a "free-hand" or "full-template guidance" approach. Remember the "template is only as good as the plan..." and "It's not the scan, it's the PLAN!" that becomes the blueprint for success.

During this CE webinar, we will review:
• Learn how to visualize patient anatomy with CBCT scan imaging modalities;
• Understand certain parameters needed to recognize potential implant receptor sites
• Learn how to plan for screw-retained or cementable restorations
• Understand how to plan for bone grafting or bone reduction to enhance treatment outcomes