Full arch guided reconstruction does not have to be a one size fits all process. For years, the All.On.4™ protocol has recommended severe bone reduction of vertical height for a flat profile, delivering an FP3 prosthesis. While being an effective method many patients desired a more natural alternative...
...Today FP1, or C&B prosthetics, is the gold standard in the esthetic zone. It can be managed and delivered on the day of surgery using advanced technology called CHROME Natural™. Dr. Isaac Tawil, a CHROME KOL and expert in immediate load implant surgery and same-day prosthetics, will teach this protocol in a lecture and live patient surgery at ROE Dental Laboratory. This procedure, performed on a maxillary arch, will be completed using the partial extraction therapy technique for short and long-term esthetic success.
Watch chairside or in a live feed room, attend the lecture on both procedures, and learn all about this new concept in full arch, bone preservation technology.
Dr. Isaac Tawil, DDS, MS
Thursday, April 30th 6:30 pm:
Friday, May 1st:
To Register or for More Information, email alexis@roedentallab.com.